Core Strengths

After decades of research, we’re driven by one central reality: lasting results only happen through relationships.

Because of these findings, we’ve devoted our entire mission to Relationship Intelligence (RQ), the science of relationships and how to improve them.

How Does Core Strengths Work?

■  Platform – Consider this a portal into your work relationships. Share and compare strengths, get tips on how to communicate more effectively, build teams and more. Over time, RQ continually improves relationships and results, making your organization more fearless, innovative, and productive.

■  Assessments (SDI 2.0) – The award-winning, scientifically validated Strength Deployment Inventory 2.0 (SDI 2.0) provides four views of you. It reveals why you do what you do, and how you relate to others. The SDI 2.0 provides a common language for understanding what’s important to the people around you, and how you can work together more effectively.

■  Training: Virtual or On-Site – The immersive Core Strengths: Results through Relationships training applies RQ to the real world of work. When the stakes are high and emotions run higher, learners develop the relational skills to make better decisions that drive business transformation.
Relationship Intelligence (RQ) helps teams know how to speak each other’s language and show up with the right strengths for the moment — all while staying true to their intrinsic motives and values. So if results are your goal, let relationships be the glue. That’s RQ.


Watch the Core Strengths video: