Create a place where relationships thrive...
"because talent doesn't work alone"

You're already good at what you do - but do you feel there's a better way to get things done?

I use Positive Psychology Coaching to help people like you capitalise on your strengths, build relationship intelligence and give you the edge you're looking for to get things done.

Elevating your experience in business is one of my areas of interest, and I look for ways to provide you a framework to shape what you want your business to be like and how you want your team to experience working with you.

I've curated a selection of world-class affiliations that have stood the test of time. So let's start your learning journey to discover the missing pieces to doing things better.

Get Results

Creating a happy high performing team

High Performing teams are Happy Teams.

Team work – they way we work together is changing, and our understanding of what makes teamwork successful is increasing. Teams are a critical factor in being able to respond quickly and effectively to our surroundings – but to be effective, teams need strong connections between members, and be willing to share knowledge and diversity of thinking and communication.

Any size team can be a success when basic needs are met and frameworks support team development. So, perhaps your team is experiencing change, by design or circumstances, or it’s coasting along but not really lighting any fires? Can you take your team from where it is now to be a high-performing unit? What would it look like if you did?

Why not discover exactly what is holding your team back and overcome those obstacles?
Once we find out what’s happening in your team we can choose a development mode to help you get where you need to be.

Let’s talk.

retaining employees

Are you worried about your best employees leaving your business?

Ultimately, you cannot control if your employees leave your business. But you can influence how long they stay and the quality of their contribution. We could analyse thousands of reasons why employees leave. Equally we can identify what can be done to help employees proactively address their concerns and help managers give their employees the leadership they need to get things done.

The good thing is the challenges haven’t really changed, therefore we already know the solutions work!

Employees are less likely to look elsewhere if they feel they are making a productive contribution and their efforts are valued. Much workplace dissatisfaction stems from a need to build trust – in one another, and in their leadership. The pandemic has forced teams to find new ways of working, all the while having to adapt but still meet the needs of the business, to keep the wheels turning.

Now it’s time to re-calibrate and balance the needs of your people with that of the business.
By laying a foundation built on trust and helping people connect in a way that works for them, your people will connect with you, with each other and with WHY they do what they do – why they stay.

Let’s talk.

learning journeys

Leadership development is a lifelong journey – intentional or unintentional.
We all learn from our experiences and key people influence our leadership style, leadership focus and effectiveness, for better or for worse.

Our Learning Journeys focus on your goals, your desires and your constraints.

Crafting a leadership journey means we look at the desired outcome for the person, and the stages they need to go through to develop into an effective leader.
Each step of the way we identify the mindset required at each stage and provide the skillset needed for results.

If you’re wondering “when is the best time to map out a Learning Journey?” then you’ve already made a start. The next step is to know where you are now, in order to know where to go next.
Map out a Learning Journey for your managers, your supervisors and yourself.
By doing so, you’re also supporting a growth strategy, building capability and showing your people you believe in them, and you value them.

Want to know what a Learning Journey might look like?

Book a chat

Conflict management & healthy relationships

High-performing teams are built or broken on one thing: Relationships.

Teams with high Relationship Intelligence (RQ) know how to embrace diversity, navigate conflict with minimal disruption (actually they know how to leverage different and new viewpoints). While some conflict is inevitable, when it becomes personal it becomes destructive. If it’s a problem in your team, if left it can result in a toxic workplace.

The good news is you can turn that around and build sustainable commitment and collaboration through a conscious effort to build better relationships. And it’s probably easier than you think!

Healthy personal and professional relationships are cultivated through trust building behaviours and knowing how to demonstrate mutual respect. Relationships and connections are strengthened when we identify past mis-perceptions and apply the right approach in the moment.

I have a number of frameworks to support behaviour change, putting the power to change squarely in your hands.

Choose your development mode

One on One Coaching

Personal Connection & Understanding

From the simplest change to something more in-depth and insightful, we work together by understanding where you are now – where you want to be – and how you can get there. Strength’s focused for sustainable change.


  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Increasing personal effectiveness
  • Addressing limiting self beliefs
  • Understanding and leveraging personal strengths

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Professional Development

Realise & Achieve

Feeling like you’ve hit a glass ceiling? Often we know we could perform better, and want to, but we’re unsure how.


  • Understand self and others for effective leadership
  • Understanding Team dynamics and how you can lead a team to High Performance
  • Build Trust through effective communication and sustainable behaviour
  • Both sides of the Leadership coin – Leading Self and Leading Others

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Become Skillfully Equipped

Workshops for your intact team can supercharge results because everyone has the opportunity to succeed, and accountability becomes part of the team culture.


  • Increases effectiveness
  • Developing Team Culture
  • Improved efficiencies through common language
  • Opportunity to develop innovation
  • Address specific development needs

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Strengths Assessment

Learn & Cultivate Individual Traits

Not all assessments measure the same things. So selecting the right one can give up a treasure trove of useful intelligence.


  • Self awareness for effective decision making
  • Strengths based strategies for personal effectiveness
  • Better relationships and connections
  • Greater access to under-utilised strengths
  • Increased resilience

Learn More

The Process


Chat & Understand

While it might be obvious, it’s actually really critical I understand what you want, but also we need to know if we make a good team.

In person or over a video call, I’d like to know where you’re at now and where you’d like to be.
If it’s your team or business you want to move ahead, this works too.



I’ll have a few ideas in mind, and I’ll take a day or two to put a plan together.

This will be in consideration of time and budget – some things will only need minimal engagement, or we can plan a strategy that spans months or years, as in the case of Leadership Development Journeys.



We’ll carry out our plan.

No two clients are the same, but we will have a plan with clear steps and accountability to ensure the action happens.



It’s really important we review progress and take the time to evaluate effectiveness. This is where real growth can come (for us both) as we think about what went well and what could be done better.

Paul Scouller, WISE Charitable Trust

Paul Scouller is passionate about people. People in the Waitara community, which the WISE Charitable Trust serves, and his people making up the workforce behind the Trust.

Paul is a leader alright. As the CE, the key outcomes for upskilling his leadership team is to build leadership capability that the Trust can continue to grow, maintain key stakeholder trust and relationships and provide growth opportunities – no matter if he is CE or not.

Recognising this as giving back to the community, in line with the purpose of the WISE Charitable, Paul does not prescribe to the fear many organisation leaders have around training – “What happens if we invest in them and they leave?”

As Paul sees it, “If they leave working with WISE, we hope they benefit from the investment in them, as members of the community, and make a positive impact themselves. And as we are seeing, some do return to work for WISE, which means they bring back their experience for the community to benefit.”

Here’s what we have implemented so far:

  • Blanchard Self Leadership – The leadership team. One day course focussing on developing personal influence, assumed constraints and taking the initiative to seek the leadership style they need to get the job done.
  • Results Through Relationships – The leadership team, including Paul. One day workshop and SDI assessment to understand and develop team Relationship Intelligence – supercharge communication and reduce conflict.
  • The SLII©️ Experience – CE Paul Scouller. Two day course giving Paul the skills to provide the leadership style to match his teams development level. The flip side to Blanchard Self Leadership.

Together, we will work hard to maximise the investment WISE Charitable Trust have put into training and implementing their Leadership Development Program.

Hear from from Petunia Twala, the Operations Manager at WISE on how these programs have helped her flex her leadership styles.

Hear from Jenna Yateman, Marketing and Communications lead on what has helped her acheive more in her day.



Shaun Fitzmaurice, Humphreys Landscaping

Shaun Fitzmaurice is the general manager for Auckland landscape designers Humphreys Landscaping.

Experiencing growth in the company with upwards of 120 staff, Shaun knew what he wanted as a foundation to bring the growing leadership team together. And it was 15 years in the making!

Here’s Shaun’s comments:

“I first came across the Core Strengths assessment (SDI) as part of my Bachelors Degree back in the UK, around 2007. It was a paper-based version then.  Since then the SDI model has been my default when it comes to wanting to improve team communication and understanding different communication styles. It’s what I fall back on because it has been so effective throughout my career.

“With the leadership team at Humphreys Landscaping, the opportunity presented to do something together during this high growth phase. The Core Strengths workshop gave us the space to respectfully and openly discuss areas we wanted to improve. The assessment results, along with the Compare and Teams functions gave needed insights into our dynamic. We were able to identify what was working well and where we could improve.

The SDI model enables everyone to speak openly, and the team continue to use the learnings from the assessment in driving performance across Humphreys every day.”

To add to Shaun’s comments,  I enjoyed facilitating the workshop and was encouraged with the willingness of everyone to speak openly- a sign this is a High Trust environment.

Now, the second group of managers have completed the assessment and program, Humphreys are well on the way to embedding Relationship Intelligence.


Tricia Tasker, Someday

Someday Cafe, in the South Taranaki town of Hawera, is a funky urban eatery. Tricia Tasker is the owner, and like thousands of small business owners, faces the challenges that comes with territory, with confidence and grit.

Here’s what Tricia has to say about what helped her when, in 2020 B.C (Before Covid), she has been operating her cafe for a couple of years.

“Understanding how to communicate with my team and for them to know how to communicate with me is paramount. As a new business owner, two years in, I was looking for ways to create a cohesive working environment. Critically, I knew going into business, I lacked confidence in dealing with staff conflicts and any potential disciplinary issues.

Tim help guide me through some tough issues (well, they felt tough to me!) in a clear and concise way, by first helping me understand where my strengths are, and how I approach situations.

I completed the Core Strengths assessment, which gave me the tools to choose new ways of approaching situations and communicate more effectively with my staff.

I found coaching with Tim immensely helpful, helping me be more conscious of the way I respond to situations.”

To her credit, she and her small band of hospo warriors rose to the challenges of Covid, and Someday is still here – which we’re stoked about!

Tricia Tasker – Someday


Szilveszter Toth (Sly), The Plaza Hotel, Kalgoorlie

Szilveszter Toth is a well traveled hospitality professional – he speaks four languages and is a very interesting guy!

Sly, as his friends call him, is well aware that at times when he comes across as direct, it can have the opposite effect he is looking for… So when he took a General Manager role in the heart of mining country, Western Australia,  he quickly saw his team needed to understand why he communicates the way he does. A smart man, and consummate professional, Sly doesn’t adhere to the “It’s my way or the highway” management style.

Here’s what he did about it:

“I’d seen Tim work with Core Strengths a few years ago in Auckland, and knew it would help me improve the communication with my team. As much as I wanted to communicate with them in a way that builds positive relationships, I wanted my team to have some insight into each other – and of course to understand my communication style!

Being across the ditch was no problem – the virtual session provided what we needed.

“One of the outcomes for Core Strengths is understanding when we might trigger one another into conflict unintentionally. With an internationally diverse team, I find the Core Strengths assessment and team day together discussing the implications very worth while.

If your team relies on quality communication like ours do in the hospitality industry, I recommend this one.”

Szilveszter Toth, General Manager; The Plaza Hotel, Kalgoorlie


Dylan Waite, Sign Right and Top Stitch

Full disclosure here – Dylan is family, but don’t let that cloud your judgement!

Having built a successful sign writing business from scratch, Dylan and Rachel acquired a second business, Top Stitch and within months moved into a new high-profile premise with Sign Right. Now with both businesses under one roof, the reality sunk in that Dylan has a new challenge – managing a team, whereas 12 months earlier it was just himself.

Let’s hear from Dylan:

” I’ve never had any experience or training when it comes to leading a team, so when the rush of buying Top Stitch and moving premises died down, the reality started to hit me – and I realised I needed some guidance fast on how to build a strong team to meet business performance needs.

“It was a huge load off my mind that Tim understood where I was at in the process and helped me to understand too. The solution was to attend the Blanchard Team Leadership workshop. This has given me the insight into what my team needs from me to navigate the team stages of development, and the framework to support me and my team as we learn how to work together to be a high-performing team.

Keeping in touch with Tim as coach is great support, and I’m confident I can lead my team – what spins my wheels is seeing my business thrive, and now with the added dynamics of a larger team I’m learning how to involve them in making that happen.”

And don’t forget behind the scenes, fiance Rachel who supports the business looking after the finances (and Dylan):

“It was perfect timing…Dylan had just taken some time off to think about how he might face this challenge, and Tim called into the shop! Having clear direction on how to meet the challenge means Dylan can lead his team with confidence.”

Dylan Waite, Sign Right and Top Stitch


Monica Churstain, Subway Hawera

A Franchisee of 18 years, Mon knows her business inside out. How did she fare when Covid lockdowns decimated the hospitality industry?

Well, she took advantage of the support available through the local development agency, Venture Taranaki and engaged Tim for coaching support. This led to two workshops (and some delicious donuts) for her wider team for the purpose of supporting them through challenging times.

She says: “The whole community felt the stresses of Covid-19, including my team, who became frontline staff as we reopened under Covid restrictions. It was high stress for everyone.

“Wanting to do something to boost team morale and let my team know they’re valued, we spent a day together with a Results Through Relationship workshop. This gave us the opportunity to have more understanding between us, what makes us tick and what triggers us into conflict. It gave me some insight into what I was seeing in-store with certain behaviours, helping me adjust my approach with my communication style.

Monica followed up with Blanchard Management Essentials, attending with her store manager, to boost her confidence in setting goals and keeping the team on track during uncertain times.

Well done Mon!  BTW, it’s great to see how well the community is supporting her business. They obviously appreciate all she gives back to the community. (I still think about the awesome donuts tho)

Monica Churstain, Subway Hawera


Anthea Carr

When Anthea contacted me, she was looking for some help to manage her time. She is one busy lady!

Between managing her young family, supporting her partner in a new business, being a ‘people person’ wanting to help everyone, and studying for a degree – yes Anthea may have over-committed a little at times. What she was looking for was still to do these things – but in confidence that she wouldn’t drop the ball.

In her words:

” I came to Tim as I was overloading my plate and taking on too much, while trying to maintain a work/life/study balance. He helped me put strategies into place to prioritise the important things and to not stress about the unimportant things.

I especially found the Core Strengths Assessment revolutionary when it came to communications and working with people, both in the workplace and in my personal life. The insights it provided were eye-opening!”

Great stuff Anthea!

Anthea’s example highlights well the advantage Core Strengths has over many assessments – it crosses over into all relationships – not just our work ones.

Not sure which development mode?

We can work that out! Complete the questionnaire and I'll email you my thoughts and recommendations.

Let's Find Out!


Frameworks - Or as I like to think of them - coat hangers. Cheesy, maybe, but it's a good way to view these programs. On their own, they won't fix your problems, or get your clothes off the floor - but they do provide you a structure to hang something of substance. I'm certified to administer and facilitate the programs under these world leading organisations. My role is to make sure you're using the right one and ensure you know how to use it effectively.
Core Strengths

People make better decisions in their interactions with others when they understand their core strengths. This is the foundation of productive team relationships. Once everyone has this insight you can orchestrate a culture of collaborative efficiency

Blanchard NZ

Many organisations struggle to find solutions that increase productivity and results in their organisation. Giving your people what they need, when they need it accelerates their development —creating a more productive, passionate workplace.

Extended DISC

If you want to make better strategic and tactical decisions, and to improve your business results, you need the information Extended DISC provides.

Previously Worked With
