Strengths Assessments
Our strengths are our most under-utilised resources to deal with challenges, obstacles and uncertainty.
Where weaknesses drain us of motivation and energy, learning about and then using our strengths has an energising effect.
I use several well researched and validated assessment tools that will change the way you go about your day with the purpose of getting better results.
What's Involved
Depending on your choice, an assessment (administered online) can take between 15 – 30 minutes. Your results will be available instantly, or I’ll send them through once you’ve completed the assessment.
Your debrief can come in two different forms
a) One on One coaching debrief
b) Team event incorporating a workshop that explains your results and the impact of your team results.
Creating self-awareness of what’s important to us helps us understand our own behaviour.
This in turn works well for us when we share it with those around us. Some of the most impactful work I’ve been involved with has stemmed from the insights people have received from the Core Strengths assessment.
Why take a strengths assessment?
Using decades of data, 20,000 interviews with leaders and one million work teams, researchers identified that the most influential leaders do the following:
1. Invest in strengths
2. Surround themselves with and invest in a great team
3. Understand their followers needs
What does this mean?
Effective leadership means becoming aware of our own and our team’s strengths.
And not just for the workplace either.
If you’re interested in hearing about it, let’s talk through the various assessments and what they do.
Which assessment will make the difference?

Core Strengths
Core Strengths is powered by the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) 2.0 assessment, which is grounded in Relationship Awareness Theory.
This assessment, with the effective training and online tools and App, can produce profound effects on working relationships, company culture, business performance and development of talented people.
Now supported with Outlook plugins and MS Teams, it leads the way in supporting hybrid workplaces in building connections and strengthening relationships.
Simple to complete. Easy to remember. Not limited to just “you”, but also the people around you.

Extended DISC
The Extended DISC assessment (there are many different DISC products) looks at the interaction between environment and response as the basis for the primary DISC types, which are Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance.
DISC tools allow consultants and managers to understand how people are really feeling at the time of assessment. Businesses and managers use DISC tools to understand what drives people. As well as their strengths, development areas, what motivates and demotivates them, and how best to communicate and retain them.

VIA Character Strengths
Character Strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel and behave. Scientists have identified 24 character strengths that you have the capacity to express. By taking the VIA Survey you will discover your unique character strengths profile. Knowing and applying your highest character strengths is the key to you being your best self.
Take the free assessment here: http://timwaitecoaching.pro.viasurvey.org/

Download a Sample
To get an idea of what these can look like, download an example of a strengths report by completing the form.
Try a Free Strengths Assessment

Core Strengths
People make better decisions in their interactions with others when they understand their core strengths. This is the foundation of productive team relationships. Once everyone has this insight you can orchestrate a culture of collaborative efficiency

Blanchard NZ
Many organisations struggle to find solutions that increase productivity and results in their organisation. Giving your people what they need, when they need it accelerates their development —creating a more productive, passionate workplace.

Extended DISC
If you want to make better strategic and tactical decisions, and to improve your business results, you need the information Extended DISC provides.

Anthea Carr
When Anthea contacted me, she was looking for some help to manage her time. She is one busy lady!
Between managing her young family, supporting her partner in a new business, being a ‘people person’ wanting to help everyone, and studying for a degree – yes Anthea may have over-committed a little at times (understatement). What she was looking for was still to do these things – but in confidence that she wouldn’t drop the ball.
In her words:
” I came to Tim as I was overloading my plate and taking on too much, while trying to maintain a work/life/study balance. He helped me put strategies into place to prioritise the important things and to not stress about the unimportant things.
I especially found the Core Strengths Assessment revolutionary when it came to communications and working with people, both in the workplace and in my personal life. The insights it provided were eye-opening!”
Great stuff Anthea!
Anthea’s example highlights well the advantage Core Strengths has over many assessments – it crosses over into all relationships – not just our work ones.